VIDEO: Wilderness and Wine


Song: River Bank, Brad Paisley

I've been waiting for camping weather for months! There’s just something about living strictly in the outdoors for 24 hours (more than one night out there and my girly instincts kick in and I’m in desperate need of a shower, but I can rough it with the best of them for one night). I put Bugsy in the car and headed to Ray Roberts Lake, Isle De Bois State Park.

I poured myself a glass of sangria and relaxed. I live in the heart of Dallas, so it's nice to get away from the horns and noise of the city. In his enthusiasm to be a faux-wild animal for a day, my dog-son Bugsy ran himself until he literally dropped. Yes, that picture below is of him giving up and laying down because he is too tired to sit.
The only difficulties encountered were a lack of sticks to roast marshmallows on and the mile trek we had to take each time we took a load to the campsite because you had to park so far away. So I guess it’s safe to say, before we had the chance to worry about finding a stick for cooking s’mores, we got our work out in (thankfully because I ate about 7 of them). 

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