Drive through safari should be on your Dallas bucket list

A fear of ostriches that began at Fossil Rim as a child resurfaced on a more recent trip there… as an adult. To be fair, when I tell stories about my childhood ostrich encounter, I find I’m not the only one. Apparently Fossil Rim ostriches have been tormenting visiting children for years. This place is a blast, no matter how old you are... Fossil Rim should be on your Dallas bucket list. It's a drive through safari, and all the animals are clearly so used to people being around that they walk right up to your window for food. As they are socially motivated by food, the animals are more active the earlier in the day you go.
Our first animal encounter: stopping right in the middle of a flock of emus. That’s basically the same thing as an ostrich. I was in the back seat of the car in about .5 seconds… If you're looking for a weekend adventure: visit Fossil Rim, it’s outrageously fun. This one zebra and I were best buds in about two handfuls of hand-fed feed, I was truly intimidated by a ram who wouldn't let us drive up the road, and could not stop laughing as a turkey kept trying to hop up to grab pellets from our window. But, obviously, I would recommend speeding by the Emus and Ostriches.

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